Home>News>Company news>Kunyuan has completed the annual sale target of OCTG products[Nov 20, 2012]
Kunyuan has completed the annual sale target of OCTG products[Nov 20, 2012]

Great news!

By the middle of NOV, 2012, Cangzhou Kunyuan has completed its annual sale target - 20,000 tons of OCTG and other steel pipes.

The detailed is as below,

 Product Name QTY(tons, approximately) 
 Casing 6,900
 Tubing 2,000
Coupling stock 650
Couplings 890
Drill pipe 300
Pipe for perforation gun 800
Slotted screen pipe 1,200
Pipe for down-hole tools 230
VIT 1,200
Nickel Alloy Tubing 150
Corrosion Risistance sieres 2,200
Line pipe(include sour service) 4,200

It's very encouraged for our new company first year.

Thank you all dear customers and professional sale team!