Home>News>Industry news>Application of NEWVAM tubing joint in the petroleum industry [Nov.19, 2021]
Application of NEWVAM tubing joint in the petroleum industry [Nov.19, 2021]
Application of NEWVAM tubing shorts in the petroleum industry.  Many people confuse tubing nipple and tubing nipple and think they are two different products. In fact, they are the same in casing products.  Therefore, just the saying and writing is different, the tubing sub/joint, that is, the short tubing, the normal length of the tubing in R3 length, generally about 9.5 meters, and the tubing sub/joint, the length is uncertain, according to customer requirements from 0.3-6 meters.  

The oil casing short joint is a kind of large caliber pipe fitting, which has the effect of stabilizing the oil and natural oil well wall or hole.  The casing is inserted into the well hole and secured with cement to prevent the wellbore separation rock and hole collapse, and ensure the cyclic flow of exploration drilling mud. Thickened tubing shorting sales, P110 tubing shorting 2-7/8, NEWVAM tubing shorting, convenient for exploration and exploitation.  

Tubing is a pipe that carries oil from the reservoir to the surface after successful exploration. It is mainly used to withstand the pressure generated during the extraction process.  Tubing end production processing in the form of: unthickened with thread and collar, NEWVAM tubing short, outer thickened with thread and collar, flat end, unthickened with thread and collar, outer thickened with thread and collar.  The oil industry is a large number of applications of oil casing pipe industry, tubing short in the oil industry occupies a very important position.